Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Night Swimming

I roll up my sweats and let the wave work its way up to my toes.  The sand under my feet is so cold and grainy.  The cold water sends shivers through my body.  The moons light is reflecting off the water.  The bottom of my sweats are soaked.  I smile and my eyes widen "lets get in the water" I yell out hardly able to contain myself from the excitement I felt.  They all look at me like I'm crazy.
"What are you going to just go in like that" Jackie says.
"No are you crazy" I tell her.
"I'm down" Armen yells.
"I'm so down" says Armod.
I back up to the dry sand and start to strip into my undergarments.  The air is so cold.  I rush the water as fast as I could not waiting for anyone or checking if I was being followed.  I didn't care if they were coming in or not.  The wave comes in and I'm in waist deep water.  I'm laughing so hard and I spin around like a 5 year old twirling in a new dress.  Half way through my spin I see Armen running in the water only in boxers.  He is running strait toward me.  I spin around and enjoy the moment for what it is.  Armen passes me and gets in deeper now he is waist deep.  He puts out his arm and says "come".
"Are you crazy" I say.
"Come" he repeats.
Laughing I walk forward and stand right behind him.  I put my hands on his shoulders.  He turns around and looks at me smiling.  We walk in further, side by side now.  Almost like the ground got taken from under us we fall in.  He is up to his chest in water while my head is just above it all.  I look up to see a wave heading our wave.  I yell in laughter.  "Are you ready" Armen asks as he holds my hand. We look at each other smiling. The wave is so close now we jump strait up.  I just make it over the wave.  My whole body is cold it feels so fresh.  I close my eyes and just hear the wave crash.  Does life really get any better than this?

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